〈Dungeon Defense: Volume 5〉 Delayed, but now with a confirmed release date.

Volume 5 seems to have been delayed, but it also has a confirmed release date now. Albeit it’s not up on their site officially yet as I’m currently writing this post, but I went to a couple of the shopping sites that NovelEngine is mainly connected to and found out that you could now pre-order Volume 5.

The release dates on those sites say that the volume will be released on October 12th.

There’s still the time it’ll take for it to be shipped to those shops and then delivered to me, so I’m expecting to get my copy on the 13th or the 14th.

Here are the three sites that you can pre-order the books at.




I apologize but none of these sites have an English alternative excluding YES24, but they currently don’t ship globally anyway. Interpark seems to currently be the only site that ships globally but they don’t have an English version of their site.

I’ll update this post with new shopping site links whenever I find them or if one of you guys posts them in the comments.

20 thoughts on “〈Dungeon Defense: Volume 5〉 Delayed, but now with a confirmed release date.

  1. I’ll just be patiently waiting on Gmarket to have their listing(s) available then it’ll be purchase time for myself so I can get back into scanning the images again. If anyone does wish to purchase Dungeon Defense I strongly recommend going through them as they do have English speaking support available.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. overlord volume 12 will be release on 30th september featuring the Demon Emperor Jaldabaoth invasion with allied Demi Human forces against the Roble Holy Kingdom.
        still no info about the release date of overlord season 2.


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