General consensus and my decision


Okay, I probably took too long to make this decision. I’m going to try something new where I attempt to translate both the DD WN and Handholding at the same time. Thanks to the chapters of the DD WN not being that long, I don’t think it’ll be that difficult to do some between Handholding chapters. Hopefully, I can manage this.

I was actually surprised by the number of comments my previous post received telling me to actually go back to translating Handholding, however, there also seemed to be a common misconception among the comments. The DD WN isn’t some poorly written version of the DD LN. It’s still the same author and the same writing style. The DD LN alters the WN so that each volume has a beginning, middle, and end of sorts. Although this change is also what ultimately led the two versions down different paths, just think of the DD WN as a more linear story.

I should note that the Handholding translations will be on hold for a little longer until the person who does the scans for me finally gets around to finishing them up. The ones I have currently are extremely saturated and so bad to look at that I honestly don’t want to resort to using them.

In any case, I’ll start translating the DD WN for now and see how everyone reacts to it.

-Sincerely, Shalvation who’s still grinding himself to death on FFXIV.


17 thoughts on “General consensus and my decision

  1. I guess our almighty Shalvation can’t take it anymore, i think its been 6 months. since the last volume. eerrr its been so long T_T thanks anyway.


  2. I love this decision, thank you very much.

    may I ask more info about the WN? like is it ongoing(or something like the author stopped to focus on publishing the LN, its quite common) and if the WN has more material currently than the light novel.


    1. legal issues. the author has troubles with copyrights( apparently someone decided it was too similar to another novel…i don’t know which one tho, doubt the claim can hold long).

      Anyway, i think i will read that WN version of DD. i’m curious:)


  3. How long it would take to reach the end of LN translation? Another 2 years? This situation is truly regrettable. It makes me very sad and furious. “what sort of expression one would make when they chew on shit” – now I know.


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