〈Dungeon Defense: Volume 5〉’s possible release date!

There was a new post on NovelEngine’s site for the upcoming releases of early September, but they added an extra image near the bottom.


Dungeon Defense Volume 5 Cover

The caption underneath it basically says, “Our goal is to release it during the second batch of releases in September, so we are currently making preparations.”. The second batch of releases usually happens around the last 2 weeks of a month.

This release date isn’t set in stone since they did say it was just their goal. Something can always happen during the process and delay their release, but at least we know it’s coming. 

NOW THEN, YOU GUYS CAN STOP ASKING ME WHEN THE RELEASE DATE IS. You people and your trust issues, I kept saying I’ll immediately make a post about it the moment I see the news, but people kept asking anyway. Maybe you can start asking again when October hits and the volume isn’t out by then, BUT UNTIL THEN, SHUSH.

45 thoughts on “〈Dungeon Defense: Volume 5〉’s possible release date!

      1. its possible that its a flash back because she still seems to have all her fingers but yeah its odd that a possible demon lord (horns) is kneeling at her

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Just to make a guess, I’m suspecting she’s the vMpire’s true body, the one buried beneath the snow. Ivan I think it is? She’s a possible party member in the game and hasn’t done much since volume 1, so next volume would be a good time to see what the bodyswapper is up to.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. You know how Translators often Suddenly gone M.I.A? People asking for release date is also a way for people to check on your status, whether you are still alive or not. So don’t mind them. Well, the trust issues are also part of them.
    Well, time to wait for October then.


  2. I have receved psychic waves again it seems. Looks randomlyfor the first time in months – Hits exactly the date for release information. Exactly the same as when you announced the new project. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!


  3. I feel you Shalvation. Im also a translator and im also have stuff like people keep asking about the new volume… It’s irritating but you should be proud that a lot of people is with you, appreciate your work and got hook up too much with the series. I cant translate Korean but Jap only so keep up with the work bro. looking forward to see yur next masterpiece


  4. Thank you Shalvation-Sama! First for the update and second for still keeping us updated despite having all of these non believers in your midst


  5. MaiGod….finally its goin to be hectic again…tbh i nvr coming back here for any novl except for DD…too bad the others novel is not my taste though


  6. Thanks a bunch, many thanks from me for you guys. This site is really a great help for me who can only speak a little in English. Korean light novel is awesome


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