Dungeon Defense: Volume 4 – Prologue

You are me.









Please do not read Dungeon Defense on a site besides my own, shalvationtranslation.wordpress. There are sites that take my translations without permission and also take ad revenue. If you even remotely respect the author or the translator, then please don’t read on these third party sites. 

TL Note: Welcome to the start of volume 4. This is possibly the shortest volume in the series, but that doesn’t make it any less impressive than the other volumes. It was an amazing read through with a lot of twists and revelations. There’s actually a LOT of bants in this volume so look forward to those, since I’ll be looking forward to translating those lines.

This volume might actually take me longer to translate since the format is rather complex in places. Like how this entire prologue was in black pages in contrast to the white pages. Between each chapter, there’ll be these black page segments, so I’ll need to figure out how I’ll portray this to you guys properly.
I also didn’t expect each image to stick right next to each other, so I had to manually put a space between each page. If I didn’t, then you’d see these unnatural gaps in between the lines. By manually spacing it, you guys can tell where the page ends and where the next page starts. I’ll make the next black page section a bit different and see how you guys like that. After that, I’ll ask which format you guys prefer.

I apologize to those of you who have the tendency of copying and pasting certain lines to threads or forums. Only the black page sections will be like this, so please bear with it.


97 thoughts on “Dungeon Defense: Volume 4 – Prologue

  1. I do not speak English. I use google translator to translate the book.
    If you could you could put those black pages in text at least the future black pages.
    Thanks for the translation.

    Liked by 1 person

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